Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Time to Pick Dock Seeds!

If you want to be able to use dock seeds for flour this year, now is the time to go out and pick them!  Many have turned red and are perfect for collecting.  If you find some that are almost red, go ahead and pick them as well.  They will finish turning red after you pick them.

To process, rinse the still stemmed seeds off when you get them home.  Place on pizza pans and heat in a 170 degree oven until dry.  Get your rubber gloves because de-seeding is abrasive on the fingers! 

Remove seeds from stems and put into a bowl.  Pick out any leaves (edible as well).  Leave bowl on your table for several days, occasionally mixing.  That way you have perfectly dried dock seeds.  Don't feel guilty if you leave them there for a week! Store in an airtight container until you are ready to grind for flour.  I use a small coffee grinder which works really well.

That way, you can make Black Russian Bread this fall!

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying reading your blog! I've started embracing my weeds the past few years.
